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What Should Be in Your Car Emergency Kit?

No one can predict when they're going to be involved in or witness an accident. Whether you're on a road trip or just a quick run to the store, you never know when someone may run a stop sign or not look before changing lanes. This is why every vehicle you own should have a car emergency kit.

Many car emergency kits are available to buy, but you can also make your own. The basic car emergency kit should include the following:

  • A complete first aid kit (with bandages)
  • A fire extinguisher
  • Three reflective warning triangles to put on the road
  • Flashlight and extra batteries
  • Cell phone charger
  • Warm blankets
  • Duct tape (this is very useful)
  • Multipurpose tool (like a Swiss Army Knife)
  • Drinking water

If you're in an injury accident, a fully charged cell phone is your most important piece of equipment. Call 911 immediately. Depending on where you are when the accident happened, you might have to wait a long time for help. This is where the first aid kit comes in. Check all passengers, drivers, and pedestrians involved for injuries. Provide any comfort or first aid you feel qualified to perform, beginning with the most seriously injured. The blanket and drinking water are handy in comforting a person injured or going into shock. Never leave the scene of an accident before law enforcement has arrived.

If you or a loved one have been involved in a motor vehicle accident, it's important to speak with an experienced traffic accident attorney. The Omaha law offices of Cullan & Cullan, LLC have years of experience representing clients injured in traffic accidents. Call us today at (402) 882-7080 for a free consultation.


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