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Pressure Sores Are a Common Sign of Nursing Home Abuse or Neglect

Pressure sores, also known as "bedsores," occur when a person stays in one position with too long, either standing or sitting. They often form over areas where the bones are close to the skin, like the ankles, back, elbows, heels, and hips.

Bedsores are a constant concern in nursing homes, where many patients cannot change position on their own. Instead, they need staff members to help them roll over, sit up, or transition from bed to wheelchair and back. When staff is neglectful in helping patients change position or are not actively looking for the early signs of bedsores, serious injuries can result.

Pressure sores can be prevented through several measures. These include keeping the skin clean and dry, changing position at least once every two hours, and using pressure-relieving items like pillows. Early signs of pressure sores include skin redness, warm areas, spongy or hard skin, and damage to the top layers of skin, including sores.

When the early signs of pressure sores are noticed, nursing home staff can more easily work to prevent serious damage. Severe pressure sores, however, can cause severe pain and permanent damage to the skin, muscles, nerves, or bones.

At Cullan & Cullan LLC, our Omaha, Nebraska attorneys strive to protect the legal rights of every client we represent as we pursue the compensation you deserve. If you or someone you love has been injured by nursing home abuse or neglect, call us today for a confidential case evaluation.


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